How will you react if you discover a hundreds of year old message? This is exactly what happened to two Americans, Mark Louviere and Lonnie Watson, who were busy watching the sunset on a Hawaiian beach. They had never guessed that they could have the luck to witness this discovery. During sunset, the pair noticed ancient petroglyph engraved on the rocks along the coastal line. Ten different petroglyphs were scattered around a stretch of 60 feet. The human figures carved out on the rock were as big as five feet each. Louviere and Watson immediately informed the right authorities. There were 17 such petroglyphs around that area and the State Historic Preservation Division along with the U.S. Army discovered it. The U.S. Army archaeologist Waianae Alton Exbaze exclaimed that they have been maintaining and managing several archaeological sites, but most probably this is the first time they have come across one of these petroglyphs. Some people claimed to have witnessed these petroglyphs many a time, but they never reported it to the related authorities. Exbaze along with his colleagues estimated that the petroglyphs might be 4 centuries old. If that is the case, then these human figures could lead to the time when Hawaii was not under European colonization. Glen Kila, the descendant of the first few people who settled in this area said that he wasn’t aware of the existence of petroglyphs. He also added that the experts would require local knowledge and should be familiar with Hawaii’s culture and history while trying to interpret the meaning of the petroglyphs. This is not the first time Hawaii has witnessed petroglyphs, rather, some 200 miles away there are 3000 such petroglyphs, representing animals, families, and god. The Waikoloa petroglyphs have a horse warrior image, which is believed to be dated around the time when the Europeans arrived. Generally, the archaeologists have found petroglyphs that are one feet tall, but these human figures are almost five feet tall. Once the words of petroglyphs were out, crowds gathered to see for real all these images. However, Exbaze urged the observers not to touch any figures; else, it might cause damage that would be irreversible. The SHPD and the army plan to protect the petroglyphs for the future generation, so that they can also enjoy and study the ancient work. Meanwhile, the sand of Waianae coast has concealed the figures that were present on its coast. Now nobody knows when the figures will re-emerge from the cover of sand. The Hawaiian island has a long history. The island was already a mix bag of culture when the Europeans arrived in the 18th century. This is how the history of each Hawaiian coast is unearthing with time.